Adjunct Professor Geoff Askin
Dr. Askin has been an international leader in spinal surgery for over 30 years. He is a pioneer for new surgical techniques to correct spinal deformity.
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Adjunct Associate Professor Robert Labrom
A practicing orthopaedic surgeon for 20 years, Dr. Labrom has contributed key understandings towards the development of the human spine.
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Emeritus Professor Mark Pearcy
Professor Pearcy has 40 years of biomechanical research experience, focusing on movement and how we can be supported by artificial joints and implants.
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Associate Professor Paige Little
Assoc. Prof. Little is a global leader in the field of sleep spinal alignment, combining modelling and imaging techniques to understand internal spinal movement.
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Sealy R&D Manager Daniel Green
A mechanical engineer and the head of Sealy R&D, Mr. Green has been pivotal in advancing knowledge and measurement techniques in sleep spinal alignment.